Are you in the process of getting a divorce? If so, then you are somewhere in the middle of figuring out how to distribute your property and your debt, pay for the kids colleges, plan for retirement, etc. These decisions will have huge implications for the rest of your life. What might seem like a good deal now could be devastating to you later. Using a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) saves you time and money, rather than using an attorney to deal with your divorce finances.
Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst helps you and your attorney look at the Separation and Property Settlement issues from many different financial angles. Net Worth (how much you have), Working Capital (how capable you are to pay your bills and save), Taxes (will you pay more than you need to?), you name it. Once we have a handle on these issues, we can devise a plan that makes sense not only now, but in the long run. This includes working together with your attorney to prepare different financial proposals for your spouse to consider, or testify in court if that is what is needed.
Collaborative Process
Have you considered resolving your divorce through Collaborative Process? If not, consider a situation where you and your spouse, your attorneys, a financial neutral and mental health professionals are all in the same room at the same time working together to resolve your divorce issues. This may be a cost effective alternative to going to court or even using your attorneys to "battle it out". As a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and local practice groups, I can help you resolve the financial issues associated with your divorce using this process as the financial neutral member of the collaborative team.
Or, have you considered Mediation as a way to resolve your divorce? This may be a cost effective way for you and your spouse to resolve your differences. As one of the very few CPA's in the Washington DC metro area who mediate divorces, I facilitate helping you and your spouse to reach agreement on issues which you cannot resolve yourselves. Then, once we have resolved your issues, you would send the agreement to your attorney for review (if you have an attorney). This method is cost effective since you and your spouse would not be using your attorneys to battle it out. Instead, they would act as a counselor to you, keeping your costs in check.
Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
District of Columbia Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals